
  • ★《罗格河》:一位年轻的女性驾车沿着罗格河旅行,可是她的车子却神秘的消失了。失去了代步工具和通信,别无选择…
  • yle="color: rgb(17, 17, 17); font-family: Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 13px; background-color:…
  • yle="color: rgb(17, 17, 17); font-family: Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 13px; background-color:…
  • An eclectic band of misfits becomes an unlikely family as they take a wild journey in the name of love whi…
  • A family gathering at the usual Hacienda brings astonishing events around the grandmother's birthday.
  • A young woman is found unconscious in a city street - claims to be another person who was brutally murdere…
  •   Janhvi Kapoor has begun shooting for the horror-comedy Roohi Afza, in which …
  •   全谷杯战绩出炉,举座哗然。泰瑞·希维尔决心拓展眼镜蛇道馆霸业,矢言让镇上全面追随他的“绝不留情”打法。…
  •   The screenplay tells the story of the toxic relationship between two strong,…
  •   故事讲述一个迫降的外星人哈利(图代克饰)在接受了自己科罗拉多小镇医生的新身份后,本带着秘密使命来到地球的…
  •   Maya Rudolph is Molly Novak, a billionaire ready to save the world. Loot pre…
  • yle="color: rgb(17, 17, 17); font-family: Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 13px; background-color:…
  •   Amazon拿下Jenny Han的YA小说《我变美的那夏天 The Summer I Turned Pretty》(《致所有我曾爱过的男孩…
  •   某个夜晚,一处弥漫着死亡和不详气息住宅发生杀人事件。警探路易斯率队前往,在那里发现了惊慌失措的嫌疑人约…
  •   四年前的纽约市,蟑螂扩散的病毒造成瘟疫,差点将市内儿童灭绝,在公立学校任教的昆虫专家李美(艾莉丝高朗士…
  •   曾经的“未来之城”林肯城,4%人口具有超能力,其中大多数却在自动化潮流中陷入贫困与歧视的泥沼,日渐成为社…
  • yle="color: rgb(24, 55, 120); font-family: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 12px; backgro…
  • In a small rural munity local police officers Zoe and Patrick begin their shift as normal but it soon bees…
  • 一条美人鱼从太平洋上被撕裂,尾巴被切掉,她被扔进了一个精神病院,在那里没有人相信她是美人鱼。
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