
  • A black market marijuana dealer tries to make one final score before getting squeezed out of the business …
  • After the discovery of a brothel in Pompeii, leading experts believe prostitution and sexual slavery was w…
  • 著名导演阿贝尔·费拉拉日前透露他将拍摄一部关于天主教方济嘉布遣会神父、受圣伤者、圣人毕奥神父的传记影片,并…
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  • 黑金cp 两闺蜜重遇 忆往昔 旧情燃 只是当时已惘然 @亿万同人字幕分享
  • When Paula leaves Rio de Janeiro to resume her work as a volunteer doctor in the Amazon, Teto hatches an i…
  • A biopic of 1970s record producer Neil Bogart, co-founder of Casablanca Records.
  • 1967年,来自苏联的联盟号飞船在火星登陆任务中失联。时间线回到现在,欧洲航空局与亿万富翁迈耶联合发起的首次载…
  • 被监禁10年后,囚犯波拉终于要回家见他的小女儿了。当他中途被捕时,他的旅程变得困难。一开始,他不知道自己陷入…
  • 影片是亚西西的嘉勒的传记片,亚西西的嘉勒是意大利圣徒,亚西西的方济各最早的追随者之一。她担任亚西西的方济各…
  • When a woman's husband disappears during a kayaking trip, everyone assumes that he drowned. When she catch…
  • 1967年,来自苏联的联盟号飞船在火星登陆任务中失联。时间线回到现在,欧洲航空局与亿万富翁迈耶联合发起的首次载…
  • 出生于韩国的弗雷迪,自少便被领养家庭带到法国生活。25岁那年原本要去东京旅行,却因遇上台风而转游首尔,继而开…
  • 刺客约翰·威克的冒险仍在继续。
  • 少女媒人基蒂·宋·科维原以为她对爱情所有的细节都了如指掌。但当她飘洋过海与异地男友重聚时,她很快便意识到,…
  • A group of activists break into a government facility in hope to expose what they're doing.. Only to reali…
  • Savitri, the matriarch of a massive cartel in the lawless Borderlands, opens up a battle for succession to…
  • Alice is a young woman opposed to the construction of a power-plant, an idea of her own father who is a me…
  • 一场摩托车车祸后,原本意气风发的舞者阿德里安的职涯被迫断送。他在法国蔚蓝海岸自暴自弃地虚度光阴,同时被过气…
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