
  • After years on the run, the mystery man known as Trick is back, but not on his own terms. Trick finds hims…
  • During a raging snowstorm, a drifter returns home to the blue-collar bar located in the remote Canadian to…
  • 罗伯特·德尼罗、Machine Gun Kelly、约翰·马尔科维奇将主演新动作惊悚片《河水冲洗我》(Wash Me in t…
  • 15世纪末欧洲某地,一个女人被指控为女巫而被处以火刑,复仇的故事由此展开。。。这部意大利经典哥特式恐怖电影由…
  • 德国表现主义代表作品  A  公元4世纪的犹太教法典(TAlmud)中提到过Rava造golem的事。Rava的全称叫Rabb…
  • 行尸们又一次被控制了这次他们要更多的人脑!
  • After a criminAl motorcycle rider is put to death, he comes back from the dead to seek murderous revenge a…
  • 一对忠实的夫妇的安静的周末发生了奇怪的转折,一个噩梦般的疯狂邪教领导人要去成天启预言。。。
  • 一事无成整日捣鼓艺术品的赫曼在叔叔的介绍下,住进了一间神秘的单间公寓,那里他遇到了一位改变他命运的“缪斯”…
  • 在加拿大安大略省一个以法语为主的澎堤池的小村庄,当地的灯塔广播电台不分昼夜放送着村中以及国内外发生的大事小…
  • 一对年轻情侣前往西北部山区露营,当他们意识到周围并非只有他们自己时,事情开始急转直下。
  • A man struggles to sell his house that is haunted so he arranges four people to live in the house for a fe…
  • A successful single mother's carefree sister reappears out of the blue one day to stay with her and her te…
  • Jerry Harford认为老婆背着自己外遇,他最好的朋友鼓励他以眼还眼,但却导致不堪的恐怖后果。Jerry开始陷入一个…
  • After an earthquake leaves Danny trapped and Alone, his claustrophobic nightmare only gets worse when some…
  • 811 AD, a family, isolated in their home, deep in the woods a few days travel from Birka. They are poor. T…
  • 由于成人尸体不断出现以及联系中断,盖特林小镇的诡异情形终于引起内布拉斯加州政府的关注。为了避免政府的追查,…
  • 上一集南茜将恶魔佛瑞迪(罗伯特?英格兰德 Robert Englund 饰)的鬼魂封在了钢爪手套后,她举家搬出了艾姆街。男…
  • 善意的科学家想试图开发一种新的绿色能源来解救弗兰肯斯坦的大海。这一切基于这片人们赖以生存的海域遭到了污染和…
  • ”Candelabra-bearing Evelyn Stewart and her guests have a procession through an …
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